Wednesday, January 17, 2018


This is a list of " some " various vehicles that belong to the heroes and villains on the planet of  Durania . Listed in no particular order .

( 1 )  BATTLE - BOAT - This vehicle belongs to the villain group known as " The Sea Serpents " . It is the size of an average pirate ship made of duranium . The Battle-Boat is loaded with guns and cannons and can transform into a huge underwater submarine .

( 2 )  SEA-FORCE ONE - This is also a battle ship that belongs to Hero-Force, INC's Sea Team . The only weapons include laser canons and like the Battle-Boat it too can transform into a submarine .

( 3 ) VARIOUS UN-NAMED LAND VEHICLES & AIR CRAFT - The majority of vehicles in the world of Hero-Force,INC. are NOT named . This includes the vehicles that belong to the heroes and many of the villains . These no-name vehicles can be seen in the comics . Below are just a few inside pictures of some of the un named vehicles .
 An un named "paddy wagon" used by the Metrogon City Police Department . As you can see this one has a strong clear glass window, allowing criminals captured in the back to be in viewing site, just so they want try to escape .
 Above a spaceship that belongs to the alien villain known as " Pain Gain" , as his robots pilot the ship .

Above a cargo plane flown by a few of the heroes. More vehicles will be shown in the comics ,

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