Saturday, February 2, 2019

Introduction & Table of Contents

Navigate the whole entire Hero-Force, INC . Network  here . First the "Introduction " explaing what Hero-Force, INC. is about and then the Table of Contents used for site navigation .

                     What  is   Hero-Force, INC . ???
Hero-Force,INC. is a super hero group consisting of police officers working together with super heroes . A lot of the super heroes are people from all walks of life and all types of careers. In other words, a lot of them are former blue collar types with the basic nine to five jobs. Here are some of the former work backgrounds for just a few of the heroes.
(1)   Flame-Out – Fireman , fire fighter
(2)   Detector – Security guard
(3)   Bondor – professional actor, stunt man
(4)   Duro - fitness instructor, weight trainer ,gym owner
(5)   Phys-King – former pro boxer
(6)   Healita – nurse
(7)   A-larm- security store owner
(8)   Aroma – perfume sales lady
(9)   Cool Breeze – ice cream truck driver and seller    
( 10 ) Clean-Cut – construction worker, welder
Those are just a few of the former professions of some of the heroes. Although Duro stills own all five of his gymnasiums while he also works for Hero-Force,INC. Plus Healita still uses her nursing skills to help the sick and wounded , even though she does not literally work under the title “nurse” anymore . Enjoy reading the biographies of all of these ordinary everyday people to find out how they became super heroes , or even better , HERO-FORCE, INC !!! The " INC". in Hero-Force. INC. stands for the word " Incorporated " by the way, abbreviated into INC . So it is actually Hero-Force, Incorporated !!!

( 1 )   KINGDOM  OF  RULARIA  -   The Kingdom of Rularia franchise was originally a part of Hero-Force, INC. All of the characters from this franchise along with Hero-Force.INC . share the same planet, but are on different sides of the planet they share. I have later decided to seperate " The Kingdom of Rularia" away from Hero-Force,INC. , making the 'Kingdom" into it's own separate franchise . The following link is to The Kingdom of Rularia blogger website -

( 2 )  HERO-FORCE, INC .   Comic Book PREVIEWS -  Go to this site to get " PREVIEWS" of every issue of Hero-Force, INC . that will be shown online . You can also ORDER books and fund comics via GoFund Me on this page . Here's the link to the PREVIEWS PAGE  -

( 3 )  HERO-FORCE,INC.  COMIC  BOOK  SITE  -  This is the website were you can read actual full comics of every issue . All comics are financed through GoFund Me campaigns .Here's the link to the Comics page ----

( 4 )  MERCHANDISE  PAGE -  Go to this page to order Hero-Force,INC . merchandise that are not books or comics . Products such as T-shirts, etc. ( NOTE ) If Hero-Force,INC. becomes popular enough this page will exist in the future but as of now it does not.

( 5 )  UP-DATE  PAGE  -  Go here for recently updated material be it new characters or a new comic issue .

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Hero-Force,INC . stands for Hero-Force, Incorporated . Hero-Force, INC . was started when the city of Metrogon, known as Metrogon City, was overwhelmed by violent crimes by super powered criminals. These super-powered bad guys were too much for the Metrogon City Police force to handle. So The Director of the Metrogon City Police Dept. started a project known as " Project Hero-Force ". Under Project Hero-Force, super heroes worked together with the police officers to combat the violent crimes, with some officers even becoming super heroes themselves .
Thus Hero-Force, INC . was born . With a team of over thirty super heroes to help the officers , Hero-Foce, INC . is always ready to combat evil !!! The Leader of Hero-Force,INC. is the character known as Po-Trol .
                                        The  Heroes of  
                 HERO - FORCE , INC . 
The Metrogon City Police Officers work alongside the heroes of Hero-Force,INC. on almost every occasion . They come in handy as backup or reinforcements whenever the heroes are outnumbered by the opposition . Armed with high tech weaponry, every officer is also trained in the martial art known as " Multi-Ku " , the art of successfully fighting multiple opponents at the same time . In the pic below are a couple of officers working alongside Po-Trol , arresting some bad guys . 
                                   Full  Body  Shots
             of    Hero-Force, INC . members   
To view FULL BODY SHOTS of each Hero-Force,INC . member click on the following link ----


The fighting style of "Multi-Ku" illustrated 
As already mentioned , each member of Hero-Force,INC . is trained using the martial art known as " Multi-Ku" - the fighting art of successfully defending oneself against multiple opponents at the same time . Below are illustrations of Po-Trol and Mr. Noface when he was fighting for good, using that fighting style . 

                 Sub-Groups of Hero - Force, INC . 
Hero-Force, INC . is divided into eight sub groups. As a whole combined these eight sub-groups make up the entire Hero-Force, INC . Team . 
                                            Hero-Force, INC. 911 Team
                                            Hero-Force,INC. Flight Team

                                    Hero-Force,INC. Intelligence Team

   Hero-Force, INC. Security Team  

               Hero-Force,INC. Sea Team 


The following is a list of the names of the Villain groups of the Hero-Force, INC . Franchise . The groups are listed in no particular order .

( 1 )  Mr. Noface's Affiliation

( 2 )  The Mixed Breeds
The Mixed Breeds are a  group of super villains that consist of two human characters and six animal /hybrid characters . The two humans are known as The Beast-King and Bug-Bird . Bug-Bird is responsible for creating the animals and The Beast King commands and leads them into battle. The goal of The Beast King and Bug-Bird is to make as much money as they can off of their illegal animal fight gambling rings . The animal hybrids are used as fighters and physical enforcers to anyone that may oppose The Mixed Breeds, including Hero-Force, INC .

( 3 )  The Deconstructors
The Deconstructors are a group of former miners and construction workers that have transformed into super villains , turning to a life of crime after they were fired / terminated from their first construction job .  Their goal is to rob as many banks and businesses as they can, trying to accumulate the proper funds to start their own construction company . The Deconstructors share the same amount of hatred for three men they wish to destroy . The top three men they despise the most in the world is (1) Davis Dillard - Ceo and President of Metrogon City Advanced Correctional Facility AKA The Super Prison. They hate Davis Dillard because he is the one that fired them . (2) Weldor Cutterie - a fellow co-worker who snitched on them . And finally (3) Officer Palmero Copper - because he arrested them , thus impairing their criminal background check preventing them from getting future jobs . The Deconstructors vow revenge upon all three of these men .

( 4 )  The Machine Men
The Machine Men are a super villain team of cybernetic individuals with vehicle themed gimmicks and vehicle like powers and abilities . They are led by the villain known as Metal-Mind . Metal -Mind's goal is to make as much money as he can off of his illegal car business in which weapons are added on to vehicles of all kinds from cars, planes , boats, etc . Metal-Mind sells weapon parts that can be added to any vehicle or the vehicles themselves to any law breaker . Anyone form street gangsters to terrorists are his customers . The Machine Men are his physical enforcers that help him battle and fight against Hero-Force, INC . whenever they meet . They were originally going to be called the " Vehicle Men" instead of the Machine Men . Since a vehicle is a machine also, Metal-Mind decided to go with Machine Men instead because he thought it sounded better .

( 5 )  The Sea Serpents
The Sea Serpents are a group of super villain pirates , led by their leader Captain Slip-Stick , whose goal is to rob the world of Durania dry of oil and duranium . They will attack innocent people at sea such as sailors and cruise ships . Hero-Force, INC . Sea Team always keeps a look out for the whereabouts of the Sea Serpents .
( 6 )  King Toron and the Multi-Men
King Toron and his group of space pirates navigate the universe attacking planets in hope of obtaining valuable riches and resources .
( 7 )  Solo Villains 
( 8 ) The War Jocks
The Super Boxers
( 9 )  The Terrabond

                           The Terrabond is a ruthless terrorist organization ran by it's leader known as " Mass Destructor " . The Terrabond's goal is to strike fear into their fellow country  men and women, and maybe someday rule the world using fear tactics .  They rule with a dictatorship style. Pictured above are the top members of the organization . NOT PICTURED are Terrabond Soldiers and the female cyborg known as Ro-Birtha . These characters along with their bios can be seen in the World of Durania Biography Book . The Terrabond name stands for " Terrorists bonded " a s in " terrorists bonded together " . The "Terra" part is short for terror, with the letter A replacing the letter O and by dropping the letter R . The "bond" is what shows the togetherness resulting in the " Terrabond" name .


This is a list of " some " various vehicles that belong to the heroes and villains on the planet of  Durania . Listed in no particular order .

( 1 )  BATTLE - BOAT - This vehicle belongs to the villain group known as " The Sea Serpents " . It is the size of an average pirate ship made of duranium . The Battle-Boat is loaded with guns and cannons and can transform into a huge underwater submarine .

( 2 )  SEA-FORCE ONE - This is also a battle ship that belongs to Hero-Force, INC's Sea Team . The only weapons include laser canons and like the Battle-Boat it too can transform into a submarine .

( 3 ) VARIOUS UN-NAMED LAND VEHICLES & AIR CRAFT - The majority of vehicles in the world of Hero-Force,INC. are NOT named . This includes the vehicles that belong to the heroes and many of the villains . These no-name vehicles can be seen in the comics . Below are just a few inside pictures of some of the un named vehicles .
 An un named "paddy wagon" used by the Metrogon City Police Department . As you can see this one has a strong clear glass window, allowing criminals captured in the back to be in viewing site, just so they want try to escape .
 Above a spaceship that belongs to the alien villain known as " Pain Gain" , as his robots pilot the ship .

Above a cargo plane flown by a few of the heroes. More vehicles will be shown in the comics ,

Personal Feuds between characters

A personal feud between characters is what really makes a comic book story interesting, especially when the feuds are between the main characters . A good guy versus a bad guy is okay, however things are more interesting when there's a personal feud between the characters, a grudge, a rivalry rather than just business. A perfect example of a good comic book feud is that between Peter Parker/Spider-Man and Norman Osborn( The original Green Goblin ) after the murder of Pete's then girlfriend Gwen Stacy by the Goblin  . Personal feuds makes the rivalries between heroes and villains more interesting . In the world of Hero-Force,INC. several characters have personal feuds with one another .

                                    ( Personal Feud Number One ) - Po-Trol  . VS .  Mr. Noface 
The two men pictured above used to be best friends . Their friendship began in college , under their real names as normal people way before what they became above.  Palmero Copper is Po-Trol and Davon Nofuss became Mr. Noface .  Davon fell in love with Palmero's girlfriend before he knew they were a couple . Once he discovered that his best friend was dating the woman he had a crush on, he became envious with jealousy . Both of these guys would later become Police Officers, with Copper passing Nofuss in the ranks, adding more animosity within him . The final strike that made Davon hate Palmero altogether is when Copper had to fire him because he discovered  that his once best friend was involved in illegal activities .  Davon would soon get his revenge and at this point the feud starts .  SPOILER  ALERT  FOR  COMIC - More events between these two escalate that adds more fuel to the fire of the feud . These events are to be discovered in the comics .
                                            ( Personal Feud Number Two ) - Duro .VS. Tess-Toss-A-Rage
One day under their normal secret identities , Duro caught the characters known as Tess-Toss-A-Rage and The Druggist in one of his owned workout facilities in the middle of what he though was a drug transaction. The Druggist was actually recruiting Tess into Mr. Noface's Affiliation as Duro saw the two and ordered them both out of his gym . Tess got really angry at Duro and physically attacked him . The two left the gym while Duro was on the floor unconscious . The hatred comes mostly from Tess hating Duro and not the other way around .

                                       ( Personal Feud Number Three ) - Cy-Nin .VS. The Red Dragon 
The two men pictured above are step-brothers . Cy-Nin's father is CEO of a robotics business and has willed the business to his two sons, his real biological son which is Cy-Nin and his step-son which is the Red Dragon . The Red Dragon has tried to assassinate his step dad on several occasions and Cy-Nin is aware of this and the existence of the Red Dragon. What Cy-Nin does not know is the secret identity of the Red Dragon. He does not know Red Dragon is secretly his step brother . The two step brothers never liked each other that much anyway under their normal identities, which will be explained more in the comics .

                                         ( Personal Feud Number Four ) -Hero-Force,INC. Sea Team .VS. The Sea Serpents 
This particular feud is more business like than personal . However the two parties at hand share similar professions, with the Sea-Team being heroic and the Sea Serpents being evil . Whenever the Sea Serpents attack anyone, the Hero-Force,INC. Sea Team is always around to help stop and defeat them .

                                       ( Personal Feud Number Five ) -Wing-Sprout . VS. The Terrabond
The terrorist group known as the Terrabond attacked the headquarters of Wing-Sprout's aviation products company to steal some of the technology. Wing-Sprout fought off a lot of the enemies himself. The Terrabond has threatened his family for ransom and the feud between Wing-Sprout and them is now personal . Learn more about this feud in the comics .

                                     ( Personal Feud Number Six ) - Deflator . VS.  The Beast King
Deflator and the Beast King are two  former circus co-workers. One day Deflator overheard Beast King speaking with another employee about having his own illegal animal fight ring. Deflator told circus management and The Beast king was fired . Discovering that Deflator snitched on him, The Beast King threatened the life of Deflator and his family . Get more information on this rivalry by reading Deflator's bio .

                               ( Personal Feud Number Seven ) - Clean-Cut .VS. The Deconstructors
Clean-Cut and the Deconstructors shared the same construction work job as Clean-Cut snitched on the Deconstructors for stealing tools . The Deconstructors were aware and they vow revenge not only upon Clean-Cut but also the man that fired them and the man that arrested them, Palmero Copper also known as Po-Trol .
                                       ( Personal Feud Number Eight ) Sponge-Man . VS.  Sea-Weeder  
          This feud is more of Sea-Weeder having hatred towards Sponge-Man and his race of people than Sponge-Man holding a grudge . Sponge-Man holds no grudge towards Sea-Weeder and his race of sea people. Well, at least he did not have any grudge previously. That all changed however after Sea-Weeder attacked some members of Sponge-Man's family, then it became personal .

                                 ( Personal Feud Number Nine ) Healita  . VS.  War-Zone 
Healita has a personal dislike for War-Zone because he murdered hundreds of her fellow soldiers in a battle. A lot of those fatally wounded were close friends of hers .

                             ( Personal Feud Number Ten ) - A-larm .VS. The Hacktress and Lock-Out
The woman known as the Hacktress use to work for the man known as A-larm , who had his own company where security systems and security products were sold. He suspected the Hactress of hacking into the company's bank accounts and transferring funds/money to her husband's lock smith business . A-larm fired her and she hates him with a passion. Along with her husband known as Lock-Out, they both vow revenge upon A-larm .


Learn about places of significance in the world of Durania in the Hero-Force, INC . Biography Book . The places of both franchises of " Hero-Force, INC . " and " The Kingdom of Rularia " .


There are quite a few very valuable and powerful artifacts throughout the planet of Durania besides duranium itself . All of these artifacts can be a part of both " Hero-Force,INC. and "The Kingdom of Rularia " franchises . You can learn about these artifacts by purchasing the Hero-Force,INC . Biography Book .